August English Test & Social
We’re changing to new English books this Fall and you can save money by being tested early (even Advanced students will be tested this year).
But we want to make it fun as well, so we’re also having a social at that same time with games.
Click here to find out more about the discount you can receive by joining us for this test and social event.
We’re sorry that we cannot offer child care during this event, and we will not be able to give you your English tests if you have a child with you. But you can still enjoy food and games with us even if you have your child with you.
Please make sure to bring headphones or earphones if you have some that have a microphone on them. But it’s not required since we can also loan you a set. It will just make it easier if you have your own.
It is not required, but it will help us if you can register below to let us know you’re planning to come.