Conversation Cafe

How do you learn English?

Make a friend who speaks English and then practice with them!

The learning scientists tell us that this is one of the most important things you can do to learn a new language.


What is Conversation Cafe?

Converastion Cafe is this kind of time: spending time together talking in English.

You may find a group to join or even just talk with one person.

You might even see some people playing a board game or card game you would like to watch or try.

Feel free to invite other international friends you think would enjoy it.


What will we talk about?

You can talk about anything you want! We will have some simple questions you can use if you want. They will include a variety of topics that we hope will be relevant to your life, such as:

  • Holidays
  • Sports
  • Famous people
  • Giving gifts
  • Relationships
  • Money
  • and more

There is no teaching, only opportunities for you to have discussion with those around you.

Although we have other events that have a spiritual focus, that is not the purpose of Conversation Cafe. You can have any faith background and be most welcome.

Is there food at this event?

Probably tea and coffee and perhaps light snacks. You are welcome to bring some food to share if you’d like, but you don’t have to.

Do I have to bring anything?

If you want to, you are welcome to bring a snack to share. But it is not required.

Where is it at?

It is usually at the home of one of our volunteers. This means that we will have limited space, so we ask that you let us know if you plan to come.

Can children come?

This is for adults only in order to make conversation easier.

However, not all cultures are comfortable with kids running and being loud while adults are trying to talk. So, since we highly value families children, we have other events intended for families with children.

How do I find out the time and location

You can check our calendar here to find information about Conversation Cafes as well as our separeate events for kids.