After you register for English class

1. Come to class

Join us for class! Need directions? Click here for our location information page

2. Your placement assessments

After you complete your class registration form, we will give you your placement assessments. The purpose is to determine which of our 6 class levels is the best fit for you.

This is usually done during the time when class meets, but sometimes we may contact you outside of class. It may be done virtually (over Zoom).

During the summer, we may wait till class starts again before conducting the placement interview.

3. Getting your book

There is no cost for you to attend our classes since our teachers volunteer their time. However, we use professional English learning materials, mostly published by (including 2000 lessons in 55 coursebooks). We have to pay licensing and printing costs for this material and so we ask that you pay a once a year materials fee of $25 (normally it would cost you $39 on However, if that is difficult for you, just pay what you can and we will pay for the rest. We do not want the cost of the materials to prevent you from achieving your English learning goals.

We have printed copies of the Linguahouse materials with us, so you can get yours when you come for class.

4. Plan and participate

Join your class each Thursday. But that is not all. Because language learning requires regular practice, you will want to have a plan for working daily on your English. Your practice does not have to be complicated or hard, but it should be daily. One great tool for this is the Duolingo app and website. Let us know if you want to participate in a Duolingo group.

We recommend that you try to surround yourself with English as much as you can. If you listen to the radio or watch TV, listen to English radio and TV. Read English news and books. Talk to English speakers as much as you can.

In addition, ask your teacher about opportunities to spend time together outside of class. There are ways we can enjoy each other’s company, sometimes one-on-one, sometimes as a class, and sometimes with a larger group of other internationals. Check our events calendar to see if there are any current opportunities.

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